Aku quote dari Facebook Kriz. Perrrghhh....Lovely seyyy :-)
Malam tu aku betol tgh sibuk giler dgn kejer opis aku. Kriz IM aku kat MSN. Dah lama aku tak dgr khabar Kriz sejak dia sakit tempoh hari. Kriz ajak aku online jap.
Dia suruh aku dgr lagu Ne Yo - Mad. Dia kater dia suka lagu nie.
Kriz: never go to bed ANGRY
Aku: true...true
Kriz: u never know if you & your partner will wake up the next day
Aku: ooohh.. touching seyy
Kriz: if u keep on listening... u will like it
Sambil aku dgr lagu tu, aku pon baca ler lyric nyer sekali.
I know sometimes
It's gonna rain...
But baby, can we make up now
'Cause I can't sleep through the pain
(Cant sleep through the pain).
Girl, I don't wanna go to bed
(Mad at you),
And I don't want you to go to bed
(Mad at me).
No, I don't wanna go to bed
(Mad at you),
And I don't want you to go to bed
(Mad at me)
Ohhh no no no...
[Verse 2]
And it gets me upset, girl
When you're constantly accusing.
Askin' questions like you've already known).
We're fighting this war, baby
When both of us are losing.
This ain't the way that love is supposed to go).
Ader betol jugak ler kata2 tu. Don go to bed angry. Sblm tido tu, maafkan ler org kat sekeliling kiter. Tak tahu besok kiter hidup lagi ke tidak ..huhu.
So, aku mula ler tanyer apasal mood dia depressed jer. So dia citer kan lah dari A-Z. Alaa..sedih lak aku dgr. Ye lah, aku faham akan keadaan dia tuu. Maybe she needs some private moments alone. Dia kater dia baru jer 'berdebate' dgn spidey tadi..
Kriz: kekekek...as usual im stubborn
Aku: ahh..its ok to debate
Kriz: dia nak challenge my stubborness
Aku: i understand u. we don take it too hard
Kriz: anyway thanks for being a good fren
Aku: u r a nice person too. happy to noe u
Kriz: like i said thanks for accepting me as your fren...of all you know i can be a serial killer
Aku: don kill me. i'm worth nothing :P
Kriz: im a serial killer ...would i tell you??
Aku: no i don tink so
Kriz: no not everyone worth something. you dont think so you worth something??
Aku: nope. its not for me to judge
Kriz: dude as a fren... your frfenship worth more then life itself
Aku: woohoo...nice i like ur quote
Kriz: your frenship relly mean a lot to me. well u can blog it if you want it
Aku: i hope so...its the same to you
Kriz: of course
Aku: i'll blog ur quote
Kriz: hehehe
Aku: sounds sweet :)
Kriz: u are so sweet
Aku: *blush*
Aku: i don make assumptions
Kriz: see ... to you, you worth nothing...but to others you worth something
Aku: so do you
Kriz: thanks
Aku: :)
Kriz: ok la...we chat again ok...take pictures ok and downloadin facebook..so i can see. miss you all
Aku: good nite
After that, Kriz sounds cheerful as ever. Glad I made her feels good. It's not worth lingering in the past. Take it as it comes and be prepared for the future.
As for Kriz, i wish for your speedy recovery. Things are diff when you are not around. Thks for Ne Yo's song. I don go to bed angry anymore. :-)
Gudnite, Kriz. Sweetdreams.
Ne Yo - Mad