Credits to Iwed.
“Engkau adalah teman jiwaku yang hilang, setengah diriku yang dipisahkan saat ditetapkan [Kahlil Gibran]”
“When you are down to nothing, God is up to something.”
“You come to love not by finding the perfect person but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly [Keen]”

After the party was done, we sat together in the lobby. Then I said,
“This party is super cool…”, he agreed me, and then he continued,
“I don’t know whether I could make this kind of party in the future for you.”
“What for, I don’t need the package. I need the essence.”
No, Love… I need no luxury. I need the imperfect you, so the imperfect me could tick her heart with yours perfectly. Remember what Gibran said,
“Love is like one soul trapped in two bodies.”
And he didn’t mention about perfection, coz we don’t need that. Perfection will only blunting our sensitivities and senses.
So keep being imperfect Love and I will still know the reason why I should stay beside you.
End quote.
Perrgghhh...Ayat dia POWER dahhh....
Tetapi, sama ada dengan sedar atau tidak, ader benar jugak kekata itu...hmmm..
To Iwed: No, I don't think it's a brainwaste at all. I think it's beautiful :-)