Makkkooo...! All audiences were stunned siaaa! Aper ke tidak? Saper expect tgk theatre dgr orang maki hamun? The auditorium was in total silence. It became so quiet that I could hear someone burping siaa...! Ahahaha :D
Only few minutes before, she was an adorable, sweet lover, dressed in a white lacy wedding gown, whispering her undying love to her partner. Then, suddenly... she's a bitch!....Fucking bitch!!!
Siti Khalijah was awesome! Her sparring partner, Najib Soiman, was equally good with his roles as a 200yr old lover, an old pakcik missing his daughter, mat bangla selling stem cells (who likes to fuck a bitch! hahaha!)
Kali nie aku dah tak gayat lagi tgk drama theatre. Pasal aku dah tahu aper nak expect. Ticket pon aku tahu mana nak beli skrang. Aku kagum dengan keberanian diri aku menceburi satu activity yg begitu asing tapi bermanfaat. (Masuk bakul angkat sendrik lahhhh!)
Aku lihat ramai mat-mat saleh yg hadir. Hmmm...maybe mereka adalah pengerak seni theartre juga. Aku nampak ramai teachers, students, nyonya tua, nyonyatuayangbuntingtapipakaibajuputihtransparentakutengokmacamnakpukesiak, ader sorang kakak pakai tudung, ader abg hensem....hmm..bole dikatakan full house jugak ler.

Aku dok kat row tepi. Tak nak dok kat tengah lagi. Nanti mcm tu hari dudok sebelah bini GohChokTong (Siti yg pecah rahsia bilang aku...huhu!)
What the story is all about...
To make it simple, it's all about Life and Death. Why should some want to live longer, why some are praying to die, why some help to extend life...and it goes on...and on.
Dalam satu babak bed scene tu, aku terdengar student kat sebelah aku bisik kat kawan dia.
"Eeeee...she's smelling his armpit!hehehehe..." dia orang tergedik-gedik ketawa kesukaan!
Maklom ler, student kan...lom paham apa kebenda tu bed scene. Bila si Haresh bilang ader scene "sex in the car", sumer tertanya-tanya scene yang mana satu. Alaaa, student nie, leceh siaa..act innocent lak! ahahaha!
Walopon drama tu pendek dan memakan masa hanya 60min, tapi, its totally worth it! Tak lengthy sangat ahh. Yg penting, objective dapat disampaikan sebaik mungkin.
Sebenarnya, dlm cerita tu banyak aku pelajari tentang diri aku sendiri yang sebelom ini aku tak terperasan. It opens up the truth about ourselves. Ianya akan lebih berkesan jika kita membawa diri ini kedalam lakonan tersebut dan membayangkan kita adalah setiap character yg dipaparkan di situ.
Sejenak aku disana...Actually, aku nampak ader 2-3 org yg kesat air mata time scene mak dia mati. Tu yg paling touching skali lah. Tapi yg tak best, sub-title tak disediakan apabila dialogue-dialogue melayu dan cina digunakan. Itu yg rugi sikit pasal tgh khusyuk mengamati cerita, tetiba aku tak paham bahasa dia cakap lak... :-(
Yang paling aku enjoy, part transition of every scene. Oleh kerana ini drama live, maka lakonan dijalankan terus tanpa break. So, apabila bertukar-tkar scene, actors pon kena tukar2 baju.
Mcm citer hindustan siot! Kejap baju nie, kejap baju tuu, kejap pakai sarong, kejap pakai kot. Laju siot tukar baju! Mcm keter F1 masok pit-stop within 10sec kena kluar.....tapi best ahh! Mcm tgk magic show sia...hahaha~
Aku suka Siti jadi maid filipino! Best! Best! Sama siak mcm maid! hahah...Kalo si Najib tu, watak bangla dia memang hidop. Bobal pon mcm mamat bangla bawah blok aku tu.
"I come singapore here work. I bangladesh no money. Here I many-many money, many-many girlfrens...huhu"
Yes, ur car sex scene fascinates me. Bangla also know how to have sex in the car ek? hahahah! Eh, your boss teach you is it?? wahahaha!
Credits should also go to their multi-media inputs which made up the moods for the show. The music background, the lightings, the backdrops. It truly complements the whole story in an intersting way.
Pendapat aku...
There can never be a direct conclusion. Good plays are always subjective. Whatever you conclude, can never be right and at the same time, it can never be wrong. The main factor is, you'll realise that it opens up the truth in you, as you sit and float your mind throughout the play. You will never find answers from the actors, it's not written on their faces. The answers can only be found within you!
Frozen Angels mengisahkan manusia, kehidupan & kematian. Perkara yg mempunyai pengertiaan berbeza-beza bagi setiap individu.
Dapat SMS ...
Titt..tiitt... (Handphone aku kuar munyik!)
Siti K : Cepatnya cabut tadi! action eh :P
Aku reply: Hahah! oh so u recognized me ek? actually, I'm too shy to meet u lah :P anw, u acted gud. I love seeing u act. I want to see more!
Siti K: Ya I recognized u as you were leaving! Haha. Ya thanks again for coming eh. Rally appreciate it
Aku reply: So wat's next?? And maybe tis time i find courage to come up and shake hands wif u :P
Siti K: Haha, ape je..Next show will b in march with tns again. Its called Past Caring n its a collaboration with australian aritses. Come watch lah k! Wait i invite u via facebook k :)
Aku reply: Yess..plz. Send invite to my facebook and i'll be there! :-)
Siti K: Cool! Ok then, u have a great weekend n thanks again for coming! Wah theartre-goer ah dia skarang..heh!
Frozen Angels - The review
Today plus - Friday, January 9, 2009